Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

Foreign investment up, Jakarta takes most

Endowed with rich natural resources and a large population, Indonesia is becoming more attractive for investors as indicated by an increase in the number of realized direct investment projects involving foreign businesspeople.

Chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Muhammad Lutfi said Wednesday actual domestic and foreign investment had reached US$14.2 billion in the January to November period, higher than the full-year target of $9.92 billion.

Of the total, $12.5 billion was foreign direct investment (FDI), and the remaining $1.7 billion was domestic-based.

“FDI jumped by 40 percent during the period ... But domestic investment plunged by 51 percent,” said Lutfi, who was a member of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s campaign team during the 2004 election.

“The drop in domestic investment is due to the fact that local companies prefer to form joint ventures with foreign companies in order to pay less tax,” he said, adding that the condition was unlikely to continue as the government would soon implement a new tax law.

Under the new tax scheme, income tax will be slashed to 28 percent in 2009 and to 25 percent in 2010 from the current 30 percent.

The actual investment figure excludes those in the sector of oil and gas, mining, banking and financial institutions, including insurers.

Jakarta received the largest chunk of FDI, reaping $9.62 billion from 404 projects, followed by West Java with $2.39 billion from 255 projects, and Riau with $460.9 million from eight projects.
In domestic investment, West Java ranked the top with Rp 3.67 trillion (US$334 million) from 52 projects, tailed by East Java with Rp 2.56 trillion from 37 projects, and Banten with Rp 1.95 trillion from 29 projects.

According to Lutfi, the transportation, storage, telecommunications, metal, machinery, electronics and automotive sectors were the largest contributors to the investment.

“The good news is that so far some 650,000 people have been employed in the realized investment projects (begun) between January and November.” “This is a sign that our investment climate is getting better. We hope the trend will continue, especially through intense and serious efforts by local administrations to net more investors,” Lutfi said.

Last year, FDI reached $10.34 billion; with top sectors including transport, storage, communications and chemicals and pharmaceutical.

Domestic investment topped Rp 34.8 trillion ($3.16 billion), primarily due to projects involving the paper and printing industry, the food industry and the metal, machinery and electronics industry.

Informal sector seen as crucial to RI laborers

Layoffs will not reach into the millions next year as was feared, mainly because of the ability of the informal sector to absorb workers who have been dismissed from the formal sector, the World Bank says.

“The labor market (here) has been quite flexible, but we are expecting unemployment to rise,” World Bank lead economist Wil-liam E. Wallace told reporters Wednesday.

“The number will not reach a million, as people move from formal to informal (sectors). They will not be unemployed, but have less money.”

Businesses have announced possible layoffs for next year amid a rapid decline in export demand due to the global economic downturn.

The Indonesian Rattan Furniture and Craft Producers Association said the industry might lay off up to 35,000 workers, while the Indonesian Textile Association said the industry had temporarily laid off 14,000 workers due to decreased demand from overseas.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said the government will prepare a “realistic” response to help businesses cope with slower growth next year, but warned that companies will have to make sacrifices to share the burden.

The government will inject Rp 12.5 trillion (US$1.13 billion) into the 2009 state budget to compensate for a move to waive income tax, value-added tax and import duties to help stimulate the real sector.

Meanwhile, the central bank cut its interest rate this month by 25 basis points to 9.25 percent, having aggressively increased it in previous months, to spur economic growth. A lower interest rate may reduce lending rates, thus lowering borrowing costs for businesses.

The World Bank said the government should speed up spending early next year to stimulate growth, which might reduce unemployment.

Indonesia’s informal sector, which encompass millions of micro and small businesses, is renowned for its resilience, which was tested and found true during the 1997/1998 Asian financial crisis.

Despite the number of layoffs being “manageable”, Wallace said that due to the global economic downturn, Indonesia would see a slower decline in poverty next year.

“The decline in poverty is not as dramatic as before,” he said.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), a poor person is defined as “consuming” less than Rp 166,700 per month. There are about 19.1 million poor households in Indonesia, or 76.4 million people out of a total population of 235 million.

However, the World Bank’s definition differs — instead classifying a poor person as earning less than US$2 per day.

Wallace forecast that, based on the BPS’s standard, the rate of poor people will fall to 13.8 percent next year from 15.4 percent this year.

He said the forecast included 1.6 million people who will likely not escape poverty because of the effects of the financial crisis on Indonesia.

The World Bank said Indonesia’s economy would grow 4.4 percent next year, a significant drop from 6.1 percent in 2008, in part due to slowing investment and exports as a consequence of the global liquidity crisis.

taken from: the jakarta post

Kamis, 13 November 2008

Menuju perdamaian israel vs palestina

Israel harus rela mengalah untuk menyerahkan wilayah yang selama ini menjadi konflik antara Israel dengan Palestina. Hal itu ditegaskan oleh Mantan Perdana Menteri Israel, Ehud Olmert. Itu menjadi syarat tercapainya perdamaian diantara keduanya. Negara Palestina bersikeras untuk mendapatkan kembali tanah dudukan Israel yang telah diduduki Palestina sejak tahun 1967.

Selain itu, kemungkinan terjadinya perdamaian antara Israel-Palestina diungkapkan juga oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Condoleeza Rice. Ia mengatakan bahwa setelah kemenangan Barrack Obama dalam pertarungan Pemilihan Presiden dengan mengalahkan pesaingnya Mc Chain, perdamaian antara Israel versus Palestina kemungkinan besar dapat terwujud. Ia sedang menunggu waktu hingga Obama resmi menjabat sebagai presiden pada januari tahun depan untuk memberikan dokumen timur tengah kepadanya.

Minggu, 09 November 2008

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Generally, There are two general classes of handling equipment: the floor type and overhead type. Let we find the kinds of first classes. They are:

  1. Hand truck, these include the 4-wheel hand-lift truck used for transporting skids and platforms; the 4-wheel wood-stake truck used for all-purpose carrying; the stock handling cart or “tea wagon” type of truck for handling small capacity, light item of all sorts; and the general –purpose 2-wheel truck. In addition, there are special purpose hand trucks designed to accommodate beer kegs, barrels, carboys, etc.
  2. Truck tractors, generally small but powerful gas powered tractors used with trailers. Frequently they are generally of the single-wheel-in front, short-wheel-base variety to provide a small turning radius and all round maneuverability. It is can be employed in outdoor and indoor application.
  3. Power lift truck, it is very useful type of equipment in any plan, these truck are gases or electrically powered and are provided with either an elevating platform, a set of tiering forks, a ram, or a crane depending upon the application these kind of trucks may be low-lift using for simply transporting and low stacking materials, or they may be of the telescoping high-lift type to permit stacking all the way up to the storehouse roof. Tiering forks are used in conjunction with wood pallets, which are inexpensive and may be carried and stacked in much the same manner as the conventional skid on the platform truck. The ram is used with special classes of materials, such as coils of strip steel and wire which may be handled by their hollow interior. For small loads, generally about under 1 ton, a powered hand-lift truck, likewise made with either a platform or a fork, low or high lift as the occasion demands, is in a economical vehicle for transporting and stacking.
  4. Stacker, kind of moderately mobile, primarily used stacker for the vertical stacking of heavy or bulky articles. Example for common type is the barrel stacker for handling standard oil drums and other barrel products to and from a barrel stack rack wherein they may be stored vertically as high desired. For the next type, semiautomatic and fully automatic stackers developed for loading and unloading racks in warehouse area with a minimum of manpower.
  5. Gravity-roll conveyors, used to convey the materials on ball-bearing rollers down a gentle grade by utilizing the natural force of gravity. The articles moved on roll conveyors may range in size from a few ounces to 20 tons, even more. There are kinds of this machine for their several usage (different type of weigh). The length of such conveyors may vary from a few feet between machines or operations to several hundred feet between departments. Conveyor manufactures stand ready to provide a variety of standard curves (to permit material to turn corners or go around objects) and roller spiral (to accomplish a considerable vertical drop in a short distance). They will also provide storage deck of conveyors (to facilitate storing a “float” of materials between operations), gate-hinge mechanisms (to permit the lateral passage of employees), and power booster (to provide increased elevation).
  6. Power conveyors, used in applications when gravity-roll conveyors are not practicable, as would be the case where small individual parts are conveyed separately or where vertical or sloping changes in elevation as from one floor to the next are required. The exact type of conveyor will depend upon the application. Belt conveyors are in common use and generally consist of powered endless belts traveling over rollers. Slat conveyors, apron conveyors, and push-bar lifts are simply adaptation of belt type. Oscillating trough conveyors, consisting of flat-bottom metal troughts which are given an upward and forward vibratory motion, can convey such items as coffee, steel chips, sand and even small metal parts.

Now let’s we talk about the varietes of overhead handling equipment that is most widely used.

  1. Chain conveyor, these are the number of types but usually employ an overhead monorail on which run trolleys attached at regular interval to an endless chain. Under each trolley is placed a hook or other carrying device. The principal advantages connected with these conveyors are that they are located overheadand out of the way, that they thereby do not take up valuable floor, space, and that they can be used to pre-position the material at leveland at the point in the plan where it is desired for use. Many continuous process conveyors are of the chain type. Some, instead of being located are placed under the floor.
  2. Cranes, There are so many varied types of cranes that any generalization as to their characteristic is some what difficult, however, all of them, wheter they be classed as traveling, locomotive, tractor, jib, or gantry, both pick up and transport the material. Their application is generally for extremely heavy materials sporadically handled.
  3. Tram-rail and monorail hoist, kind of simply standard chain, electricity, or pneumatic hoists mounted to a single rail by means of a trolley. Horizontal movement may be controlled electrically or by hand. Such an arrangement adds mobility to what would be a stationary hoist.

Taken from: industrial orga nization and management book

Redactional : abng

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

obama's house in jakarta up for sale

The small colonial-style house Barack Obama lived in as a child has received a steady stream of visitors ahead of the U.S. presidential election, from potential buyers and journalists, to a businessman who wants to turn it into the "Sweet Home Obama Bar."

Tata Aboe Bakar, the 78-year-old owner, is in little mood to sell, noting that the property, sequestered between a large mosque and park in an upscale neighborhood of the Indonesian capital, has been in the family since 1939.

Much, he said, would depend on the price.

The two-bedroom pavilion Obama lived in - initially built as a guesthouse - would be sold with the main, sprawling residence next door and the 12,900 sq. foot (1,200 sq. meter) plot of land. Together, they have an estimated market value of $3 million dollars. And that does not take into account the potential Obama-factor if the Democratic presidential candidate wins on Nov. 4.

Aboe Bakar says one broker claimed a U.S. Embassy official was ready to pay five times its worth if that happened, though Tristram Perry, the embassy's public diplomacy officer, said he was not aware of any such offer.

Obama moved to Jakarta with his American mother and Indonesian stepfather in 1967, spending the first two years in another humble home, where chickens and ducks used to cackle in the backyard and two baby crocodiles slithered around in a fenced-off pond.

They relocated to the small red-tile roofed pavilion with art deco windows on Taman Amir Hamzah Street in 1970 when Obama was 9 years old and stayed there for the next two years.

BARACK'S BARRACK: Syahhrial Rozali, the current resident of the house where U.S. Presidential Candidate Barrack Obama lived as a child, walks in front of the home Tuesday Oct. 28, 2008 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Anticipation that Barack Obama may soon be the next U.S. presidenBARACK'S BARRACK: Syahhrial Rozali, the current resident of the house where U.S. Presidential Candidate Barrack Obama lived as a child, walks in front of the home Tuesday in Jakarta. (AP/Ed Wray)Aboe Bakar has few stories to tell about Obama as a child, except the time his poodle ran away, never to be seen again.

"Oh, he cried for two days," the former Navy admiral said, wearily taking a drag from his third cigarette as he showed off a long list of visitors who have knocked on his door in recent weeks.

He also flashed a photograph of the young family sitting on a wooden bench in the front yard that, like much else, remains in place nearly four decades later.

Among those who have expressed interest in the house have been Bart Bartele, a Dutchman who owns several popular pubs in Jakarta.

He says he offered to rent the smaller pavilion to open the "Sweet Home Obama Bar" - a cafe that would feature an "Obama-blend coffee," a mix of beans from Kenya and Java. He would also serve "stroopwafels," a caramel-type treat brought to Indonesia during the centuries-long occupation of the Dutch.

"The idea is to have snacks, simple food and maybe some merchandise," Bartele said, adding that he was not certain, with all the recent interest, if Aboe Bakar would go for it. "We'll see. It's mostly just for fun anyway."
(taken from: thejakartapost.com)

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Inventory and it's Function

Inventory known as saved material in warehouse to used or sold next time (period). Inventory can be as raw material, material in process, and as a product which is saved to sold. Material is main subject as the right function for production project.
Inventory of raw material saved to process making a product. The existing of inventory of raw material is for managing total of raw material that will be used in production process.
The production process needs several times, where is the inventory's element is raw material.